When I was a kid, it was always exciting to attend a friend's birthday party. It was a chance for a whole bunch of us to get together and party! Of course, for a 7 year old, party meant games, entertainment, cake, lots of running around and PRESENTS!!! Whenever gifts were opened, we'd all gather 'round and wait with breathless anticipation, wanting to see what the next cool toy to be unwrapped would be. While the toys belonged to the birthday boy or girl, for a brief moment, at that party, we'd get to play with them too. That sense of wonder and discovery at unwrapping gifts always filled me with giddiness and bubbling excitement.
Imagine then, the feeling I had when not only did the birthday child get gifts, but we, as guests, got something too! Oh, that precious loot bag; it was like I got a little mini birthday for myself as well. Nothing could be greater. I'd reach inside the bag and slowly pulled out each item, one by one, savoring the discovery of each bauble. There would be an assortment of wonderful treasures, from noisemakers to temporary tattoos, from little pocket games to candy treats. The best part...they were all mine! Yes, these were my little toys to take home.
Imagine then, the feeling I had when not only did the birthday child get gifts, but we, as guests, got something too! Oh, that precious loot bag; it was like I got a little mini birthday for myself as well. Nothing could be greater. I'd reach inside the bag and slowly pulled out each item, one by one, savoring the discovery of each bauble. There would be an assortment of wonderful treasures, from noisemakers to temporary tattoos, from little pocket games to candy treats. The best part...they were all mine! Yes, these were my little toys to take home.

To this day, I still treasure that feeling. Let's face it, most of us do. Even as grown-ups, we still enjoy getting a little something at parties. If you've been to a wedding, you probably received a small party favour from the bride and groom. Sometimes it's candy, sometimes it's a keepsake to commemorate the event. Whatever it is, it's always wonderful to receive.
At BirthdayPartyMagic.ca, we're keeping that feeling alive. Loot Bags are now available with all the terrific treasures that will make your guests jump with glee! Check out the available selections right here.
For your next party, a little Loot Bag goes a long way to making memories that last.
At BirthdayPartyMagic.ca, we're keeping that feeling alive. Loot Bags are now available with all the terrific treasures that will make your guests jump with glee! Check out the available selections right here.
For your next party, a little Loot Bag goes a long way to making memories that last.